Synergy Financial – Chennai, India

CLIENT: Synergy Financial, Chennai, India
PRODUCT / SERVICE: Financial products and services
BRIEF: To communicate that Synergy Financial is a Trustworthy, Reliable and Secure financial company because of:
a) 40,000 depositors
b) Rs. 60 crore depositor base
c) Investments in Hire Purchase

MEDIA: 50 x 2 Paper Ads
YEAR: 1997
AGENCY: Goldwire Communications, Chennai, India
ART: Shaji
COPY & IDEA: Umesh Ponnusamy



The Power of Trust


40,000 depositors have plugged into it


Synergy Financial

· Steady growth for the past 5 years

· CRISIL FA+ rating

· The only Indian finance company to have an Ombudsman.

· Rs. 60 crore depositor base.

· Safe investments in vehicle finance with a good recovery rate.

Baseline : Synergy Financial – Power to the Depositor.



The Power of Confidence


Rs. 60 crore depositor base


Synergy Financial

· Steady growth for the past 5 years

· CRISIL FA+ rating

· The only Indian finance company to have an Ombudsman.

· 40,000 depositors.

· Safe investments in vehicle finance with a good recovery rate.

Baseline : Synergy Financial – Power to the Depositor.



The Power of Security


Safe Investments in Hire Purchase


Synergy Financial

  • Steady growth for the past 5 years
  • CRISIL FA+ rating
  • The only Indian finance company to have an Ombudsman.
  • 40,000 depositors.
  • Safe investments in vehicle finance with a good recovery rate.

Baseline : Synergy Financial – Power to the Depositor.

INSPIRATION: When I was given the brief with the 3 primary benefits (listed above) and the client requirements of stressing upon the values of Trust, Confidence and Security. I started ideating with these in mind and decided to link each primary benefit with a value in separate ads. That’s when the idea for using verbal imagery of POWER struck me. The headline and subhead were linked with this idea. The third ad is missing – I couldn’t get a copy.

After I revised the headline and copy a couple of times guided a bit by Shaji who was then the Creative Director at Goldwire and Paul – Branch Manager and Account Head for Synergy. The layouts were approved on the first go with minor changes. This was my first ad campaign that actually went into print in The Hindu daily in Chennai. Though the size was small, it was noticed. I personally would have preferred a different kind of creative execution that went with the POWER theme…but I guess Shaji’s approach got the ads noticed.

By Neil French’s standards, this would be a weak ad, as it has all the elements – headline, subhead, bodycopy, visual, logo, baseline (btw the baseline was something that I led Paul to come out with).

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